You acknowledge that you have read, understood and accept the below terms and conditions and our disclaimer.
The objective of this procedure is to set out management standards and expectations for the everyday operations for the provision of the CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes.
The CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes will be run in a manner that keeps control of all day-to-day finances and shows accountability to CLM management and families who use the Programmes and its facilities.
Overall supervision of the Programmes is the responsibility of the Facility Manager who reports to the General Manager of Operations, other General Managers or Company Directors/CEO. The CEO/General Manager of Operations approves all policies and procedures, financial reports and budgets, Facility Managers monitor expenditure and set limits on spending to meet Chill Out Programmes budget.
The Facility Specific Programmes Coordinator along with the Programmes Facility Specific Programme Supervisors are responsible for the day to day running of the Programmes at facilities. They report to the Facility Manager, meeting weekly to discuss the Programmes. Communication outside of weekly meeting can and does occur as the Manager, Coordinator or Supervisor sees fit.
CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes will provide a well-managed service that meets the needs of its local communities.
CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes are run from the following facilities:
- Massey Park Pool is run from 2 Ron Keat Dr, Papakura, 2110.
- Whangarei Aquatic Centre is run from Ewings Rd, Whangarei 0122.
- Otahuhu Pool & Leisure Centre is run from 30 Mason Ave, Otahuhu 1062.
- Papakura Leisure Centre is run from 294 Great South Rd, Papakura 2110.
- Freyberg Community Pool Thames St Palmerston North 4410, is run from the Red Sox Club rooms, 916 Tremaine Avenue, Roslyn, Palmerston North 4414.
- Lido Aquatic Centre is run from Park Road, Palmerston North 4410.
- CLM Masterton is run from 359 Queen Street, Masterton 5810.
- Richmond Aquatic Centre is run from 161 Salisbury Rd, Richmond, Nelson 7020.
For any information that needs to be communicated to Parents/Caregivers regarding their child, the programme will have a cell phone number that can be contacted on. The Facility Specific Programme Coordinator will also have an email address that can be supplied, and the programme has a Communication Book where Parents/Caregivers can leave messages.
Enrolment Procedures
Before a child can attend a programme, an Online Enrolment must be completed in full. All terms and conditions must be thoroughly read and understood. If the applicant does not understand any of the terms and conditions, they will be advised to consult the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator for further verification. The Facility Specific Programme Coordinator will be responsible for checking all enrolments for completeness before a child can be accepted into a programme.
An online enrolment must be completed for each programme.
- Bookings must be completed in full on the Online Booking System:
- Parents/Caregivers are strongly advised to register early to avoid disappointment as there are only limited spaces available.
- Telephone bookings do not secure a place on the programme. All bookings must be accompanied with an online enrolment and paid prior to confirming.
- Parents/Caregivers are responsible for notifying the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator of changes to personal information i.e. contacts details, address or person(s) entitled to pick up children. This can also be updated on the profile section of the Online Booking System.
- The final decision of enrolments is at the discretion of the facility specific management.
- All children are required to show “school behaviours” such as being able to change themselves, and using the toilet unassisted. Staff are unable to assist with helping children get changed or help with toileting due to child protection policies.
- Enrolments will not be approved if there are outstanding fees on previous bookings.
If an online booking has not been completed, CLM Chill Out Kids Programme staff will not be able to drop/collect the child to/from school. It is the responsibility of the Parent/Caregiver to ensure bookings are completed each term/programme, and maintain all details up to date, such as changes to the school they are attending.
Programme Hours
The Before and After School Chill Out Programme runs during the weeks of the primary school terms and normal operating hours are between 6:30am and 8:30 am and 3pm to 6.00pm. The programme will not operate on Public Holidays.
The Chill Out School Holiday Programmes run during primary school holidays with normal operating hours between 9am and 3pm. Additional morning and afternoon care options are also available. The programme will not operate on Public Holidays.
Half Day School Holiday Programme Option
Child/children need to be onsite no later than fifteen minutes after the drop off time and to be collected no later than fifteen minutes after the end time. If failure to collect during this time an extra charge of $20 per hour will be added to your account.
Cancellation Policy
Before and After School Care:
Before and After School Care cancellations required 24 hours notice to recieve a refund on any payments made in advance.
If cancelling two or more consecutive days, a 50% charge will be applied to those days the child is away.
Cancellations made on the day will result in a full charge.
School Holiday Programme:
School Holiday Programme cancellations require a minimum of 72 hours notice otherwise a full charge will apply.
If cancelling two or more consecutive days, a 50% charge will be applied to those days the child is away.
Cancellations made on the day will result in a full charge.
For cancellations relating to isolation requirements, a 50% charge will be applied to the days the child is away for the timeframe of their isolation period..
Cancellations made on the day will result in a full charge.
Cancellation Guidelines:
It is your responsibility as the parent/caregiver to contact the programme by phone as per the timeframes above. Cancellations cannot be done online.
If there is no contact regarding a cancellation, a full charge will apply. Continuous non-contact may result in your child being removed from the programme.
All fees are paid directly to the specific facility the programme is being run from. Fees must be paid in advance.
All WINZ bookings required a deposit to be paid per booking. This includes $20 per child for Before/After School Care, and $40 per child for School Holiday Programme.
Fees for holiday programmes vary from day to day and this will depend on the facility activities.
The programme operates with limited numbers of children. If a child is absent (for whatever reason) CLM has to meet the same staffing expenses regardless and accordingly may not be able to give credits for days that children do not attend the programme.
If there is an unpaid fee/s for a previous booking, a new booking cannot be approved until fees are paid in full.
Bookings will remain on the ‘Pending’ status until payment/deposit has been made.
WINZ Bookings
All WINZ bookings must pay a deposit per child prior to the programme commencing. This includes $20 per child for Before/After School Care, and $40 per child for School Holiday Programme. A booking will not be approved until the deposit has been received. Once the WINZ subsidy has been approved and received, the Parent/Caregiver must pay the remaining portion of programme fees on a weekly basis. The Facility Specific Programme Coordinator will make Parents/Caregivers aware of what the contribution amount towards programme fees are.
WINZ forms will not be completed until an online enrolment booking has been made.
Credit Card / Direct Debit payments
For days that are cancelled that meet our cancellation criteria, a credit will be loaded for their next booking. Credit Card and Direct Debit payments will be processed through our payment provider Payrix.
Additional Term: Failed Payments
All failed payments associated with booking agreements will be subject to a $10.00 failed payment fee. Failed payment reasons may include, but are not restricted to, insufficient funds or invalid credit card details. In the event of a failed payment, the penalty fee will be added to your account balance. The staff members from the facility will promptly notify you of the failed payment and the subsequent fee. Note: If you are notified of incorrect entry of credit card details at the point of entry, no penalty fees will be applied.
Drop off and pick up
All Parents/Caregivers must enter through the front main entrance of the facility and report directly to the sign-in/out table, where the attendance role can be signed. Children’s school bags will be available in close proximity of the sign-in/out table. Communication will be made with the child to meet at the sign-in/out table. If Parent/Caregiver needs to walk through the facility or outdoor area during programme hours, a staff member will escort them.
Parents/Caregivers are expected to sign their children ‘in’ and ‘out’ of the Before School, After School, and School Holiday Programmes.
Parents/Caregivers must inform staff if a person who is not listed on the online booking enrolment will be collecting the child.
Staff will not release a child to a person who is not identified on the child’s personal details report.
In the event of an unauthorized person collecting the child, the Parent/Caregiver will and must be contacted immediately to authorize release of the child. Verbal communication is required.
Parents/Caregivers must inform staff if a person who is not listed on the online booking enrolment will be collecting the child.
If a child does not arrive for the Chill Out programme, the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator will check the Online Booking System, emails and phone messages to see if the Parent/Caregiver has contacted the facility. The Parent/Caregiver is reminded to call in and give notice if the child will not be attending – this must be done before 9:00 am on the day for the Chill Out programme.
If the child is not signed out of the Chill Out programme the Parent/Caregiver is contacted to re-affirm the collection of the child and the Facility Specific Programmes Supervisor is to sign the child out on behalf of the Parent/Caregiver. The Parent/Caregiver is reminded to sign the child out in future.
Reported absences are to be recorded in the Online Booking System and also logged on the Programme Attendance Role.
A permission to leave form can be completed by the Parent/Caregiver in order for the child to leave the facility directly.
Please note that our programmes will collect the children within 20 minutes of school ending. The school will be contacted if the driver is late, (because of traffic, missing child from previous school, etc.). A CLM Chill Out Kids Programme staff member will wait with the children if 20 minutes have passed since school ended.
The following steps will be taken if the child attending the Chill Out Programme is not at the meeting spot for After School Care pickups:
- Roll call will be checked prior to the vehicle leaving the facility.
- Staff will confirm with the school reception if the child has attended school that day.
- Staff will check with the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator and facility to see if messages have been left.
- Staff will check classroom, playground, and any other immediate areas.
- Staff will contact Parent/Caregiver. If no answer, emergency contacts will be phoned.
- If other kids are waiting, a message will be left with the school reception notifying them that the staff member will leave to drop remaining children back at the facility, and will return to the school afterwards. The school is asked to phone if child is located during this time.
- If 30 minutes has lapsed with no communication from Parents/Caregivers/or School and the child still has not been located, the Police will be contacted to notify them of missing child.
- If child is found, the Parents/Caregivers/School/Police will be phoned to notify them.
The following steps will be taken if the child attending the Chill Out Programme is not dropped off within half an hour of commencement of the programme:
- Staff will check no messages have been left by Parent/Caregiver and to make sure the child is definitely attending that day. Also contact the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator.
- Check online booking enrolment details.
- Parents/Caregivers will be telephoned.
- If Parent/Caregiver is unavailable, emergency contacts will be telephoned.
- If no contact has been made by the Parent/Caregiver or emergency contacts after 30 mins, the local police constable will be contacted.
The following steps will be taken if a child is not picked up at the end of the Chill Out Kids Programme:
If a Parent/Caregiver has still not picked up their child/ren 5 minutes after scheduled time, the following steps will apply below:
- The Facility Specific Programme Supervisor will check with facility staff to see whether a Parent/Caregiver has called in.
- Facility Specific Programme Supervisor will check online enrolment, emails and phone messages to see whether Parent/Caregiver had made prior arrangements for child/ren to stay longer.
- At all times a member of staff will remain with the child who must be accompanied by another person.
If there is no evidence of Parent/Caregiver contacting the facility or making prior arrangements, the Parent/Caregiver will be immediately contacted to find out the reason for lateness and the time they will be in to collect their child/ren.
Programme staff will continuously attempt to contact Parents/Caregivers or the child’s emergency contacts. If 30 minutes has lapsed from the agreed pick up time and no contact has been made with Parents/Caregivers then staff will contact the Police and ask for advice on what steps to take. Police may be requested to collect child and return to police station until Parent/Caregiver have made contact.
Late Pick-Ups
For late pick-ups, a charge of $1 per child per minute will apply, unless authorized by the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator.
Written permission is required for a child to leave the programme unaccompanied. Parents/Caregivers must be informed that the CLM Specific Facility takes no responsibility for the child when they leave our care/facility doors.
Missing Child Procedure
The following steps will be taken if it is discovered a child is missing from the facility activities:
- A thorough check of the surrounding area will take place.
- Cameras (if applicable) PA announcement, ask other children.
- Check of outside area.
- If the child has not been found the Facility Specific Programme Supervisor will contact the child’s Parent/Caregiver, followed by a phone call to the Police, (if Police required).
A roll call will be done once all the children have arrived at the facility and at regular intervals throughout the day.
If programme activities are organized to take the children out of the facility the following procedures will take place:
- Roll call before leaving the facility.
- Roll call before leaving the visiting venue.
- Roll call once every one is back at the facility.
Otherwise the roll call will be taken at morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea.
Roll call will be done with child’s name, a visual check of the child, and a clear tick to show checks have been done.
The attendance role for sign in and out will have the time, date and it needs to be signed by Parent/Caregiver when collecting child.
CLM Chill Out Kids Programme staff cannot physically hold a child at the facility against their will. CLM have given Parent/Caregiver the responsibility of informing children of their need to stay at the facility until their Parent/Caregiver collects them. If a child does choose to leave the facility and cannot be talked into staying by a staff member, the Parent/Caregiver will be contacted immediately. If the child’s safety is of concern CLM staff will intervene to manage any risk of harm to the child.
Transport Procedures
- Buses/vans must ensure that they park in an area where there is no risk to children getting in and out of the vehicle.
- Children must not board a bus/van if the engine is running.
- Children must be sitting no more than three to a seat in the bus.
- Children must sit one to a seat in vans and wear safety belts at all times.
- Booster seats must be used for children under the age of 7, or under the height of 148cm. Booster seats will be supplied. 3-point belt will be used, lap belts won’t.
- Children must be sitting at all times.
- Supervisors/volunteers must be dispersed through the length of the bus to maintain control. If there is insufficient room for leaders to sit, then they may stand in the bus aisles.
- At no time will children be standing or sitting in aisles.
- Children may not remove seatbelts until the bus/van has come to a complete halt, engine has been turned off, and Facility Specific Programmes Supervisors have stated so.
- Private vehicles may be used for transport, including rentals. Booster seats, warrant of fitness and registration must be current.
- Facility Manager may also have authority to collect children if needed.
- A head count must be performed before and after departure to ensure every child is on the bus/van.
- 1st aid kit will be supplied to each van/bus.
- All vehicles used will be registered and warranted, with appropriately licensed drivers.
- No eating or drinking on the bus/van.
- If possible, bags will be placed in bus designated storage areas.
- Children must adhere to all rules set down by the staff and drivers
- Staff must follow NZ road rules and regulations at all times.
Children will be collected from school no later than 20 minutes from the end of school. Children are to wait at the designated meeting point within the school grounds until collected.
Excursions (Away Trips) and Emergency Evacuations
- Personal details report and emergency contact numbers will be taken for Excursions and in the event of an emergency evacuation, this will allow CLM staff to roll call and account for all children.
While on excursions the following procedures will apply:
- Staff will carry a cell phone for emergencies.
- A first aid kit, attendance role, personal details report and emergency contact numbers will be taken.
- When on excursions a message will be left at the facility with the whereabouts of the group, copy of the attendance role, and expected time of return.
- If using public transport all the children will travel together and normal safety regulations will apply. The set staff to child ratio’s will be adhered to.
- If a bus is hired for an excursion, only reputable companies will be used and reference checks may be completed.
- Child medication will be taken on all trips away from the facility.
Vehicle Accident
In the event of a vehicle transporting programme children and staff being involved in an accident the following procedure will apply:
- Contact emergency services as appropriate.
- If able, secure the area from any other possible accidents.
- Administer first aid as necessary.
- The safety and wellbeing of the children remains the priority.
- Contact the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator immediately to activate an alternative plan to transport the children.
- Ensure Parents/Caregivers are contacted
- Facility Specific Programmes Coordinator to notify the Facility Manager
- Complete an incident/event report within ecoPortal
- Facility Specific Programmes Coordinator to follow up on the condition of any child or staff member that has been injured.
An informal complaint is typically a verbal or written statement of dissatisfaction
A formal complaint is an official complaint made about the programme, staff or committee member about misconduct.
Informal Complaints Procedure
If any parents have a concern about the programme, they should first approach a staff member who will attempt to rectify the situation. If a parent or caregiver feels their concerns have not been addressed, they should contact the National Programmes Manager Neven Latimer at
Formal Complaints Procedure
If a parent or caregiver has a concern regarding misconduct of a staff or committee member, they should contact the National Programmes Manager Neven Latimer at
Informal complaints
Verbal complaints to staff members will be responded to on the spot, if possible. If a staff member is unable to respond, they may politely explain to the parent/guardian that they will consult another staff member or appropriate committee member and get back to them as soon as possible (within 48 hours).
Written and Formal Complaints
Formal complaints and other complaints made in writing will be responded to by the chairperson within a timely manner. Within 48 hours, the chairperson will respond by email acknowledging the complaint. If the chairperson is able to provide an explanation or solution at this time, they should do so. If not, they should provide the complainant with a time frame as to when they will get back to them. Where possible, a mutually agreeable outcome will be sought.
Support and Safety of the Complainant
Details of the complaint, including the identity of the complainant, must be kept confidential to those concerned, unless requested otherwise by the complainant. The complainant also has the right to have the support of an independent advocate if required.
Breaches of the Social Services Standards
If you feel that your concern or complaint has not adequately resolved the complaint and is in breach of the Social Services Accreditation Standards, you can email SSA directly at with:
- your name (unless you want to remain anonymous)
- your contact details (unless you want to remain anonymous)
- the organisation's name and address
- details about the complaint.
If you want to remain anonymous, your complaint will be treated with the same level of importance. SSA will not be able to provide feedback for anonymous complaints. Please visit the Ministry of Social Development’s Te Kahui Kahu website for further information.
Behaviour Management
Positive reinforcement will be used at all times and a stimulating and varied programme will be provided to ensure against boredom. Each facility will use their own reward system such as Chill Out certificates, star charts and verbal praise.
When a child misbehaves or ignores programme rules staff will:
- Remind the child in an assertive but not aggressive manner what is expected of them and the consequences of disobeying – 1st warning.
- If the behaviour continues the child will be reminded again and warned of the consequences that will result – 2nd warning.
- If the child continues to misbehave after two warnings the consequence will be enforced.
- A behaviour document form will be completed, stating the child’s behaviour, response of the staff, and response of the child. If three of these have been given within a programme, the child will be removed from the programme. This includes cancellation of current booking and the right of CLM not to accept any future bookings. Staff have the ability to remove the child sooner if behaviour is of a serious concern.
- If the child continually misbehaves the Parent/Caregiver will be contacted.
- If a child is required to be removed from the programme, Parents/Caregivers/emergency contacts will be contacted requesting for their child to be picked up. A plan may be put in place for the child to remain on the programme for the remainder of the day only if approved by the Facility Manager.
- At no time will punitive discipline be used, this includes punishing children by withholding food or drink, physical abuse, isolation or using demeaning or condescending comments.
- Staff will maintain a fair, consistent and positive approach at all times.
- When children are in conflict with each other, staff will encourage the children to remedy the situation themselves. Staff will aid them by making suggestions on how to do this. If the children cannot resolve the situation themselves, they will be removed from the situation.
Consequences must be appropriate and may include:
- Being removed from the activity and put into time-out. The child will be made to sit away from the group in a clearly visible spot for a period determined by the Facility Specific Programmes Supervisor (usually 5 minutes).
- Before the child is returned to the group the staff member will review with them what behaviour is expected.
- Parents/Caregivers will be informed if their child has been put into Time-out.
- Time outs may be customized to the child’s needs.
Action becomes necessary when:
- Any child displaying inappropriate or unsafe behaviour that is intrusive on another person’s enjoyment of an activity.
- Any child that acts or displays abuse or violence, (continuous non-listening, fighting, spitting, hitting, continuous swearing, inappropriate conversation’s) towards other children and/or staff.
- Disruption to the activity being carried out, either by their own actions or by actions involving other children.
- Damage to property is incurred.
If a child displays such behaviour’s, the child may be removed from the programme immediately and future bookings cancelled.
Responding to Cultural Issues
CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes have no unique cultural content or specific ethnic focus. If any cultural issues arise CLM Chill Out Kids Programme staff will work and respond in a manner that acknowledges and respects individuals’ culturally-based beliefs, attitudes, behaviours, and customs.
CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes welcome children of all cultures. Staff will make every attempt to ensure all children of every culture feel comfortable and safe in their surroundings. Steps including making all children aware of each culture, using different languages to greet, and using a ‘buddy system’ to respond to any cultural issue that may arise.
Children with Special Needs
CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes can cater for children with special needs, once the Facility Specific Programme Coordinator is confident that both the needs of the child and children on the programme can be meet. A trial on the programme may be offered to help make this decision.
Full information about the child’s requirements including medication, diet and supervision, must be provided by the Parents/Caregiver at the time of enrolment. If the child requires further special aids, other than those already provided i.e. modified facilities, extra staff or staff training, management will make final approval on enrolment.
Each case will be considered individually and every effort will be made to include the child within the programme.
If a child with special needs is accepted into the programme the following guidelines will apply:
- The child will be buddied up with another programme participant to help with a smooth transition into the programme.
- The child will be monitored initially on a daily basis to ensure that the child’s needs are being met.
- Strategies for dealing with behaviour issues will be discussed with the Parent/Caregiver on enrolment and procedures put in place for staff to follow should the need arise. All strategies must be agreed upon with the Parents/Caregivers and the Parents/Caregivers must be informed of any issues.
- We cannot provide one to one care.
- If Parents/Caregivers haven’t disclosed any medication requirements, or the child is displaying behaviour’s resulting from undisclosed medical factors, the booking may be cancelled. It is also the Parents/Caregivers responsibility to update the programme on any changes/update to medication and medical conditions.
Policy & Procedure Review
All Chill Out Kids Programme policies and procedures will be reviewed on a yearly basis at the Chill Out Conference, and will be conducted by the Programmes Manager and Programmes Coordinators. A full copy of all policies and procedures are kept on all Chill Out Kids Programme sites and is available to Parents/Caregivers and staff. These will be updated by the Programmes Manager as new guidelines are introduced.
Electronics Policy
(Cell phones, laptops, chrome books, tablets, MP3 players, computers, gaming devices). The following guidelines will apply if approved:
- Children who bring electronic devices to the programme are to keep them in their bags and they are only to be brought out with the Facility Specific Programmes Supervisors’ permission.
- Children aren’t allowed to take photos of other children/staff without permission. This includes posting on social media.
- We encourage children not to add/request Chill Out staff members on social media, (such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram.)
- Wi-Fi is facility specific – please check with the Facility Specific Programmes Coordinator about availability.
- Staff are not to use personal cell phones during work hours and in the children’s presence, unless in an emergency situation or work related.
- If a staff member has been issued with or is in possession of a company cell phone, this may be used for work related communication only.
- At no time may a staff member give out their personal cell phone number to children and at no time may a staff member ask a child for their personal contact phone number, email address or social media. (Exception is the Chill Out/work cellphone number/Facility Specific Programmes Coordinator business card).
- The facility takes no responsibility for damage/theft if a child chooses to bring an electronic device to the programme.
Safeguarding Policy
The objective of this procedure is to provide workers with overarching principles that guide CLM’s approach to child protection.
CLM believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. CLM have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. CLM is committed to providing Chill Out Kids programmes in a way that protects children from abuse, neglect and harm.
This procedure applies to all adults who come into contact with Chill Out Kids programme participants, including: workers, contractors and regular visitors to CLM facilities.
CLM: Community Leisure Management
MVCOT: Ministry for Children Oranga Tamariki
Child Protection: An activity or initiative or project designed to protect children from any form of harm, particularly arising from child abuse or neglect.
Child: A child means a boy or girl under the age of 14 years, “young person” means a boy or girl of or over the age of 14 years but under 17 years (Children, Young Person, and Their Families Act 1989, Section 2 definition)
Child Abuse: The harming, (whether physically, emotionally, sexually) ill-treatment, abuse, neglect, or deprivation of any child or young person (The Children, Young Persons and their Families Act 1989 definition)
Core Children’s Worker: children’s worker whose work in or providing a regulated service requires or allows that, when the person is present with a child or children in the course of that work, the person: a. is the only children’s worker present; or b. is the children’s worker who has primary responsibility for, or authority over, the child or children present.
Cumulative Harm: Cumulative harm is the existence of compounded experiences of multiple episodes of abuse or ‘layers’ of neglect. The unremitting daily impact on the child can be profound and exponential, covering multiple dimensions of the child’s life.
Non-core Children’s Worker: A children’s worker who has regular, but limited, child contact.
Children at significant risk - Children who are at significant risk of harm to their wellbeing now and into the future as a consequence of the environment in which they are being raised and, in some cases, due to their own complex needs. Environmental factors that influence child vulnerability include not having their base emotional, physical, social, developmental and/or cultural needs met at home or in the wider community.
Factors Contributing to Vulnerability: Unsupported parents - Minimal ante-natal care - Young mother/father - Mental ill health - Substance abuse - Family history of abuse - SUDI factors - relationship problems - Low income status - Lack or resources - frequent moves - Low parental educational achievement - Child with disabilities.
What is Physical Abuse: Physical abuse is non-accidental act on a child that results in physical harm. This includes, but is not limited to, beating, hitting, shaking, burning, drowning, suffocating, biting, poisoning or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical abuse also involves the fabrication or inducing of illness.
• Signs to look out for: Bruising and welts – cuts and abrasions - scalds and burns - fractures or sprains – abdominal or head injuries – unexplained injuries or explanations that don’t fit – injuries in unusual places not consistent with developmental ages and stages – mistrust of adults – anxious and jittery – relationship difficulties.
Emotional Abuse: Emotional Abuse is any act or omission that results in impaired psychological, social, intellectual and/or emotional functioning and development of a child or young person.
• Signs to look out for: Sleep problems like bed wetting or soiling – frequent physical complaints – signs of anxiety – lack of self-esteem – extreme attention seeking behaviour’s – overly complainant – obsessive behaviour’s - nightmares – parent/caregiver calling the child names or treating the child differently to other children – suicide threats or attempts.
What is Neglect: Any act or omission that results in impaired physical functioning, injury, and/or development or a child or young person. Neglect can consist of: Physical neglect – neglectful supervision – emotional neglect – medical neglect – abandonment – refusal to accept parental responsibility.
• Signs to look out for: Chronic, ongoing persistent neglect – malnourished – failure to thrive – left unattended frequently or for longer periods of time than is normally acceptable – severe nappy rash or other persistent skin disorders or rashes resulting from improper or lack of hygiene – child left in the care of an inappropriate caregiver – out and about unsupervised – dirty or no understanding of basic hygiene – not receiving adequate medical or dental care – unattended health problems – falling behind in their school work and attendance – indiscriminate attachment of adults.
Sexual Abuse: Sexual Abuse is any act or acts that result in the sexual exploration of a child or young person, whether consensual or not.
• Signs to look out for: Unusual or excessive itching, bruising, lacerations redness, swelling or bleeding in the genital area – age inappropriate sexual play or interest – sexually explicit drawings, descriptions and talk about sex – exposure to or involvement in pornography or sexual exploitation – fear or reluctance to spend time with a certain person or place – torn, stained or bloody underclothing – sexually transmitted infection – pain experienced or blood in urine or stools.
Child-on-child Harmful Behaviour: It is important to be aware that children can harm other children. These behaviour’s are outside of what may be considered the normal range, and can extend to bullying, violence or sexual assault. Therefore, when a child alleges inappropriate harmful behaviour by another child then the child protection procedures outlined in this policy must be followed for both the children.
Suspicions of Abuse – Disclosure: This may be disclosed by the child or young person by: Verbal – Behavioural – Art work – Stories/poems – Relationships with others.
Recruitment and Employment of workers
CLM will comply with current legislative requirement for the safety checking of new and existing Chill Out Kids Programme workers, this will be completed through the requirement of a police vet, identity verification, references and formal interviews. Work history will be sought and previous employers will be contacted. No applicant will be employed if it is suspected that they pose a risk to a child.
Dealing with Disclosure
If a child or young person makes a disclosure to you:
1. Breathe
2. Stay calm, be patient, don’t question extensively
3. Keep voice low and gentle
4. Don’t be too quick to fill silences
5. Thank the child for telling you and say you are there to help them
6. Don’t panic
7. Do not promise confidentiality
8. Follow the CLM Child Protection Policy.
Designated Person (Facility Specific Programmes Coordinator) for Child Protection
1. Have a deeper level of training and understand of child abuse
2. Source of support, advice and expertise within your organization when deciding to refer
3. Keeping appropriate records of concerns
4. Refer to relevant investigating person/agency
5. Annually review and up-date the child protection policy.
Worker Training
CLM provide Child Protection Training with Worker’s, to increase their awareness of how to prevent, recognize and respond to abuse. This training is provided every 3 months internally by the CLM Community Programme’s Manager, and external courses that are run in the community.
All Chill Out Kids Programme workers are required to have read and understood the CLM Child Protection Policy.
Records of Concern
All records of concerns and notifications will be stored in a locked filing cabinet in the manager’s office. These files can be accessed by a member of MINISTRY OF CHILDREN ORANGA TAMARIKI when required.
Allegations of Abuse
This programme is committed to the prevention of child abuse and to the protection of children with the well-being and safety of the children being our primary goal. The following policy and code of behaviour are a means of achieving this.
The interests and welfare of the child will be the prime consideration when any decision is made about a child suspected of being abused. This organization supports the roles of statutory agencies i.e. the Police and MINISTRY FOR CHILDREN ORANGA TAMARIKI in the investigation of abuse and will report cases of suspicion of abuse to these agencies.
This organization will maintain a good working relationship with MINISTRY FOR CHILDREN ORANGA TAMARIKI and will be familiar with the law that serves to protect children from abuse. We will consult with the Department and with other appropriate agencies that have specialist knowledge. We will not assume responsibility beyond the level of our expertise.
This organization will respond to suspicions of child abuse by recording all observations, impressions and communications about children suspected of being abused.
This organization will also act on any disclosure made regarding suspicions of abuse of any person, regardless of their age. (e.g. in the case of concerns for the elderly, Age Concern New Zealand may be contact for support and advice)
No staff member will act alone about suspicions but will consult a senior staff member who will be committed to taking action and arranging for consultation with appropriate agencies.
This organization will act on recommendations made by relevant agencies concerning the official reporting of the suspected abuse and on the consulting of families. At no time will we regard ourselves as having the child’s parent’s permission to consult or report. Children, families and worker involved in the investigation of allegations of child abuse will have support and we will refer to appropriate support agencies in the community for support.
Allegations Against a Member of Staff
If we individually or collectively suspect that a staff member or another person within our organization has perpetuated child abuse, we will not collude with or protect that person or the organization but promptly report the matter to the management and statutory authorities. The suspected member of staff will be prevented from having further access to children during any investigation and will be informed fully of their rights.
• Two people will be designated to deal with the concern – including the reporting and employment aspects
• Manager to ensure the Board or governing body is informed
• Record all comments and allegations
• Although there should be a fair investigation, no attempt should be made to collude with the member of staff
• Member of staff must be advised of rights and support services
• Employer must adhere to the person’s Employment Agreement
• Safety of child must be assured even if it means temporarily removing the staff member.
The programme employment procedures will include a thorough examination and checking of each applicant’s previous work history and we will make contact personally with both referees and some past employers. This will be done with the applicant’s consent. Our prime consideration in choosing a worker will be ensuring that they have skills and attributes which contribute to the children’s safety and health, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development and will not put children at risk of abuse.
This organization will ensure that our workers are well supervised and visible in the activities they perform with children. Opportunities for worker to be alone with children will be kept to a minimum. Children will not be taken on outings without parental approval in writing or over the phone they and will be accompanied by more than one adult. In the case of an emergency every attempt will be made for a child to be accompanied by two adults. Apart from toilets and bathrooms the programme will have an open-door policy and workers should be aware where all children are at all times.
This organization encourages worker to keep their personal and professional lives separate and do not encourage the fostering of close personal relationships and/or caretaking activities with children and families outside the work environment. We will, on a regular basis, collectively review our child protection policies and evaluate our performance in meeting the standards outlined by them.
This organization encourages parents to be involved in our activities and management. Parents and family are welcome to visit the programme at any time. Our child protection policies will be made available to all parents. If parents have any concerns about the treatment of a child by any of our workers, they are encouraged to make these known. We will ensure that the matter is fully investigated and acted on if necessary. We will use an advisor and mediator from outside the organization if independent investigation or arbitration is indicated.
Worker Will Not:
• Work alone without appropriate guidelines
• ‘Investigate’ concerns of child abuse
• Question or alert the alleged offender
• Make decisions alone
• Take action without recording it. Safe Working Practices Visitors to CLM Chill Out Kids Programmes will be supervised at all times by workers, without exception.
• We encourage workers not to have children sitting on their laps or shoulders (piggy back)
• Not having someone middle seat if possible (each side)
• Sunblock – male on male, female on female. (If parent concerns, please speak with workers). There may be limited times where the opposite sex may need to apply sunblock. This will be in clear view of all workers and children.
• Workers can’t ‘change’ kids – however there may be a case where we can ‘assist’ e.g. taking a tight rash top off. This would be done male by male and female by female with other people in sight.
• No contact with members of public e.g. swimming, sports (hands on) even if they are a friend or family member
• Game of tag – only on back/arm
• High 5 or pat on the back for praise/reward
• Helping with seatbelt around waist – others in view
• Helping with togs, tying shorts, helping with female togs – to be done with others in view
• Temper tantrum: may pick child up to remove to safety
• Running away from facility – while we can’t hold back, if safety is of concern then workers will intervene
• Swimming – help out of the pool
• Swimming - help with applying swimming googles on child’s head
• Swimming instructors may hold child around the waist for balance/stability in the water
• Fitness sessions instructor may hold child’s arm for balance.
• ‘How Can I Tell?’ – Child Matters
• ‘Breaking the Cycle: Interagency Protocols for Abuse Management’ – MINISTRY FOR CHILDREN ORANGA TAMARIKI
• ‘Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect’ Office of the Commissioner for Children.
Privacy and website use Policy
This statement describes how Community Leisure Management Ltd deals with your personal information, and how we protect your privacy. It also sets out the ordering procedure for the purchase of our online services. By accessing and using our website or our services you consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy.
- Any reference to "CLMNZ", "we", "our" or "us" in this policy shall mean Community Leisure Management Limited. We reserve the right to review and amend this policy or the terms applying to online purchases . Amendments will be effective immediately and CLMNZ has no obligation to notify you of such amendments. We recommend that you periodically review this policy to be informed about updates and at least review these terms each time you make a new booking.
How we collect your information
- We will only collect personal information relevant to our business relationship with you. The personal information we collect will generally include :
Your name or the names of the parents or guardian of children enrolled in the program, address, telephone numbers email address, names of children enrolled in programs and their date of birth, details of persons entitled to pick up children, credit card or bank account details, information about the services you have used or wish to use. We may also collect aggregated information generated by our system, which tracks your use of our products and services but does not identify you personally.
- You may choose not to provide us with this information, but not doing so may affect our ability
to provide you with our products and services. - We will collect information directly from you when you:
- order our products or services or
- see our products or services or
- communicate or interact with us whether by email telephone or otherwise.
- We may collect contact information about visitors to this website
- All information collected through or in connection with this website is controlled, stored and held by CLMNZ or its web service provider(s) in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
How we use your information
We may use your personal information to
- Provide our products and services to you.
- send you news, information about our activities and general promotional or marketing material which we believe may be useful to you.
- Carry out our business which includes maintaining your account, planning, training, development of our services, research and analysis.
- Provide information required by Ministry of Social Development: Social Services Accreditation Team in respect of services funded by them
- Respond to queries or requests submitted by you;
- Monitor who is accessing this website or using the services offered on this website; and
Profile the type of people accessing this website.
Or for any related purposes in connection with the above
- If you do not wish to have your personal information used in this manner or for any other specific purpose, please email to advise us of this. We will promptly act on any such request.
- We may utilise "cookies" which enable us to monitor traffic patterns and to serve you more efficiently if you revisit this website. A cookie does not identify you personally, but rather it identifies your computer. The type of information collected by way of a cookie includes your IP address, the date and time this website was accessed and what parts of this website were viewed and delivered. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance. If you reject cookies, you may not be able to access all of the features of the website.
Advertising and Third Party links
- Our website may contain links to a variety of advertising and third-party websites sources. Some of these links may request or record information from users or use cookies or other methods to collect information from you. We have no control over the content or privacy policy practices of those sites and encourage you to review the privacy policies of those sites before using them. We will not sell or otherwise provide your personal information to a third party, or make any other use of your personal information, for any purpose which is not incidental to your use of this website.
Who we may disclose your information to
- We may disclose information we retain about you, including your personal information to the following persons or their agents:
- our employees, contractors and our related entities
- third parties engaged by us to perform specific functions for our business
- Ministry of Social Development: Social Services Accreditation Team
- service providers engaged by us, such as data storage, IT, software Management, insurers and financial services
- government departments or law enforcement agencies (including the Police)
- liquidators, administrators or other persons who may be appointed to administer your financial affairs
- debt collection services or credit reporting agencies
- If you request us not to use personal information in a particular manner or at all, we will adopt all reasonable measures to observe your request.
Your information is secure
- We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information secure against loss and access, use modification or disclosure that is not authorised by us. If it is reasonably necessary for your personal information to be given to a person in connection with the provision of services to CLMNZ, we will ensure that everything reasonable has been done to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure of the information You will appreciate, however, that we cannot guarantee the security of transmission over the Internet.
- We will preserve the content of any email you send us if we believe we have the legal requirement to do so. We may monitor your email content for trouble-shooting or maintenance purposes or if any form of email abuse is suspected.
You have access to your information
- You are entitled to have access to any personal information relating to you which we hold about
you and request corrections. This right subject to some exceptions, for example, you may not
obtain access to information relating to existing or anticipated legal proceedings.
If you wish to make an enquiry regarding any personal information relating to you which may be in our possession, contact
Questions and complaints
- If you have a question or complaint about the way we have dealt with your personal information, please contact us by email addressed to We will endeavour to respond promptly to your question or complaint
Breaches of your privacy
- We take our privacy responsibilities seriously. In the unlikely event that a suspected or actual breach of your personal data occurs, we will investigate the breach. We will notify you and the Privacy Commissioner if we reasonably believe that breach has caused you serious harm, or is likely to cause you serious harm.
Online purchase of services
- If you intend to purchase services through this website, you must confirm your acceptance of these terms and conditions before we will process your order.
- You cannot purchase services through this website unless you are capable of making legally binding contracts. you confirm that by submitting an order you are offering to purchase the services on the terms set out in this policy. You also agree that once your order is accepted by us, your order will constitute a binding contract between yourself and CLMNZ.
Ordering procedure for services
- You may offer to purchase services described on this website for the price specified on this website by completing the on-line order form. Your order must contain your name, email address, payment details and any other information requested. Once your order has been processed you will receive an automated response confirming your details and the services ordered. This email will be your Services Tax invoice.
Any information on this website is up to date at the time it is posted on the website, but is subject to variation at any time without notice.
Payment for services
We will accept direct debit authorisations and credit card payment of orders placed through this website.
You will be liable for all orders placed using your credit card details and agree to indemnify CLMNZ against any losses, claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of your credit card details by any other person.
All prices are quoted in New Zealand Dollars (NZD). Please note, your card information is not disclosed to any other party. Services will only be provided once full payment has been received and funds have been cleared. Unless specified otherwise prices are inclusive of goods and services tax, duties and other charges imposed or levied in New Zealand in connection with the supply of goods and services.
We reserve our right to increase or decrease our prices without prior notice at any time.
Termination of access
We may terminate access to this website at any time without notice. Our disclaimer will nevertheless survive such termination. CLMNZ does not warrant that you will have continued access to this website, and will not be responsible or liable for any loss, claims, costs, expenses, or damage, directly or indirectly incurred or resulting from or related to your inability to use or access this website.
CLMNZ will not be liable at law, by statute, in equity or otherwise arising from the use of this website including for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary or punitive damage, or for any loss of profit, income or any intangible losses, or any claims, costs, expenses, or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), equity or otherwise, arising directly or indirectly from, or connected with, your use of this website or any linked website, or your reliance on information contained in or accessed through this website, including the failure of any order/booking to be processed.
Governing law
This website and content have been developed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. These terms and conditions, and any matters or disputes connected with this website or the online purchase of goods shall be governed by the law of New Zealand and the New Zealand courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all claims in connection with this website and its use.