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Programme Details & Activities

Start Date
eventMon, 16 Dec 2024
End Date
Fri, 31 Jan 2025

December/January School Holiday Programme 2024/25

The Freyberg Summer School Holiday Programme is HERE! We have an incredible and engaging lineup of activities these holidays including a trip to Wellington Zoo, Ninja Warriors, Celebrity Day, Cloud 9, Wacky Water Day and so much more! 

ENROL NOW as we book up fast and we don't want you to miss out! 

Our School Holiday Programme operates from the Redsox Clubrooms (916 Tremaine Ave: down the long driveway beside Norwoods Machinery). We are open from 6.30am - 6:00pm every day. An extra charge of $4.00 applies if your child/children will attend the programme before 8:00am. We ask that all children are onsite by 9:00am for roll call every day, unless specified in the activity details that require us to leave earlier. Please check the activities you have booked for every day to ensure you do not miss any important details and that your child/children come to the programme prepared each day.

OSCAR Subsidy

We are OSCAR and WINZ approved, meaning you may be eligible for a payment subsidy. You could save up to 80% on your fees if not more! We encourage you to visit us at the facility (Red Sox Clubrooms) for us to fill in your forms. We strongly encourage those parents/caregivers who are applying for WINZ subsidies to start this process early to avoid disappointment. We are happy to email your forms directly to WINZ when they are completed and your deposit is paid. All WINZ bookings require a deposit to be paid per booking which is $40 per child for School Holiday Programme. If deposits are not paid prior to the commencement of the holiday booking, your booking cannot be approved. Bookings will remain on the ‘Pending’ status until payment/deposit has been made.

Important Enrolment Information

  • All children are required to show “school behaviours” such as being able to change themselves, and using the toilet unassisted. Staff are unable to assist with helping children get changed or help with toileting due to child protection policies.
  • Enrolments will not be approved if there are outstanding fees on previous bookings. If there is an unpaid fee/s for a previous booking, a new booking cannot be approved until fees are paid in full. 
  • Bookings must be completed in full on the Online Booking System: Telephone bookings do not secure a place on the programme.

Day to Day Important Information

Everyday your child/children must have plenty of food for the day, which includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as well as a drink bottle. Please do not send your child/children with noodles or other food that requires cooking or heating as we may not always be onsite. It's also important that your child/children wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the day's activitiy. Please also send them with their swimming attire (togs, towel and goggles) as we will swim at Freyberg Community Pool or offsite (if it is in the day's activity plan). We require your child/children to be able to dress themselves before and after swimming. 

Enrolments fill up fast so get in quick and early to confirm your child’s place on the programme.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 027 467 7063 or

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Freyberg Chill Out team.

Chill Out Day

Ages 5-14 only

It's the first day of the Summer School Holidays, and we are excited to have you on the programme! Today we will be running fun games and competitions for the kids to enjoy, and heading to Freyberg Community Pool for a swim in the afternoon. Don't forget your togs!

Chill Out Day
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

Ashhurst Domain and Ashhurst Pool trip

Ages 5-14 only

We are hitting the road and heading to Ashhurst to enjoy our time at the Domain where we will be having fun at the playground and having lunch too. We will then head to Splashurst Pool to have a swim and cool off before heading back to Red Sox.

Ashhurst Domain and Ashhurst Pool trip
access_time 8:00am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

In-House Movies and Treats!

Ages 5-14 only

We will be playing some of the kid's favourite movies today at Red Sox, with time at the park to run around and burn off that energy. Let's then head to Freyberg Community Pool to have a dip in the water for the afternoon.

In-House Movies and Treats!
access_time 9:00am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

Lido Aquatic Centre Pool Party

Ages 5-14 only

The Lido Aquatic Centre will be hosting us today for their Pool Party! You can expect games for the kids, the latest music playing, aquarun inflatables, prizes, BBQ and a whole lot of fun! Don't forget to pack your togs and towel.

Lido Aquatic Centre Pool Party
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Creative Minds!

Ages 5-14 only

It's time to get creative! We will have a number of projects for the kids to enjoy including Canvas Art, Blackboard Picture frames, Cookie Jars and more. A great day for anyone looking to make last minute Christmas gifts! Bring your togs too, we will end the week with having a swim at Freyberg Community Pool.

Creative Minds!
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Swimming at the Lido and Esplanade

Ages 5-14 only

We are down to 2 sleeps before Christmas arrives, let's head to the Lido Aquatic Centre to enjoy swimming in both the indoor and outdoor pools. Aswell as the Esplanade for a swim.

Swimming at the Lido and Esplanade
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Chill Out Christmas Party

Ages 5-14 only

It's the day before Christmas, let's get into the spirit with having our own Christmas party! We will be running games and competitions, including building your own Christmas Sleigh. An enjoying a nice Lunch. PLEASE NOTE WE CLOSE AT 5PM TODAY

Chill Out Christmas Party
access_time 8:30am 5:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

New Years Party 2025

Ages 5-14 only

Welcome to Chill Out 2025! We will be running out own countdown, creating our own decorations, enjoying party games and taking snaps in our Photo Booth! We will also be providing lunch, and taking the kids for a swim at Freyberg Community Pool. What a way to start the New Year!

New Years Party 2025
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Wacky Water Day

Ages 5-8 only

It's time to get soaked! We will be enjoying a Water Battle with balloons and a our own Water Slide. We will also be including games and crafts into our day too. The best way to combat the summer heat with a day of water!

Wacky Water Day
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

Off The Loop in Foxton!

Ages 9-14 only

Let's pack our bags as we are headed to Foxton! Join us at Off The Loop where kids will be able to enjoy the inflatable park and biscuiting in their man-made lake! As a treat all the kids will be able to enjoy an iceblock at the end of the day. a trip not to be missed!

Off The Loop in Foxton!
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $85.00

Whanganui Bushy Park + Splash Centre

Ages 5-8 only

Let's head to Bushy Park in Whanganui to enjoy the nature bush walk. We also have a Scavenger Hunt prepared for you, which includes spotting some of the native birds and plants. We are also swimming at Splash Centre to end the day. Leaving 830am returning 4pm

Whanganui Bushy Park + Splash Centre
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Fitness + Swimming

Ages 9-14 only

Let's get moving and try out some new fitness and agility skills. After working up a sweat we will then head to Freyberg Community Pool for a relaxing swim. Don't forget your togs, towel and drink bottle.

 Fitness + Swimming
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Movies and Makino Pools

Ages 5-8 only

What a combo, movies and pools in the same day! We are headed to Focal Point in Feilding to enjoy the latest flick on the big screen. Once we've finished up it's then off to Makino Pools for a swim to end the day. Leaving 9.30am back at 3pm

Movies and Makino Pools
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $75.00

Movies and Swimming

Ages 9-14 only

Today we will be doing both movies and swimming! We are headed to Focal Point in Feilding to enjoy the latest flick on the big screen. Once we've finished up it's then off to Makino Aquatic Centre for a swim to end the day. Leaving at 9.30am returning 3pm

Movies and Swimming
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $75.00

Chill Out Summer Games

Ages 5-14 only

We have a variety of fun games and competitions for all kids to enjoy. Bring your competitive face, as there will be prizes up for grabs! We will also be providing a Colour Run at the end of the day, lots of fun to be had!

Chill Out Summer Games
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Trip to the Esplanade

Ages 5-14 only

We are making the most of Palmerston North has to offer with a trip to the Esplanade! You can expect train rides, nature walk and games a play on the playground. Bring a big lunch and drink bottle to keep hydrated throughout the day.

Trip to the Esplanade
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $65.00

Roller Skating, Baking and Swimming!

Ages 9-14 only

We have 3 fantastic activities lined up for you today. Starting with Roller Skating at Manawatu Skating Club. We will then head back to Red Sox to get our baking chef hats on with some yummy creations to make.Topping it all off with swimming at Freyberg Community Pool.

access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Masterton Go Zone

Ages 5-8 only

Pack your bags, we are heading to Masterton! We will be burning off our energy at Go Zone where kids can jump, flip and bounce on the trampolines and mats. Leaving 9am returning 4pm

Masterton Go Zone
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $75.00

Cyberpunk Ninja & Clip N Climb!

Ages 9-14 only

It's time to head to Lower Hutt! We will be visiting Cyperpunk Ninja to jump, crawl and bounce our way their active playground. It's then time to climb and reach new heights with Clip N Climb. This day will book out fast, get your enrolment in ASAP to avoid disappointment!

Cyberpunk Ninja & Clip N Climb!
access_time 9:00am 3:00pm
Cost per Child $85.00

Ninja Warriors

Ages 5-8 only

It's time to bring out your inner Ninja with our Ninja Warriors day! We will be doing Kung Fu moves, playing Spy Games and lots of crafts. Once we get through all the action we will be heading for a swim at Freyberg Community Pool.

Ninja Warriors
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $65.00

Cast Away/Tribe Games

Ages 5-14 only

Following in the footsteps of the Cast Away movie, Today we will be challenging the kids and staff with different tasks and challenges, finishing up with a raft building competition! Which team will come out on top. Let's then head to Freyberg Community Pool to have a dip in the pool for the afternoon.

Cast Away/Tribe Games
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $65.00

Mini Chefs

Ages 9-14 only

It's time to get your Chef Hats on as we will be cooking up a storm for our Mini Chefs Day! We will provide the ingredients and resources; it will be up to you to create a delicious dish! To finish the day we will head to Freyberg Community Pool for a relaxing swim.

Mini Chefs
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Teddy Bears Picnic

Ages 5-8 only

It's time we pack some food for our Teddy Bears Picnic! While we are at the park we will be running games and events for the kids to enjoy. Don't forget your togs as we will head to Freyberg Community Pool for a swim in the afternoon.

Teddy Bears Picnic
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

Time Zone!

Ages 9-14 only

Kids love spending time at Time Zone! They will be able to enjoy the fun games and arcades this venue has to offer. We will also stop off at the park for lunch and games, before returning to Freyberg Community Pool for a swim.

Time Zone!
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $70.00

Little Builders

Ages 5-8 only

It's time to get creative! We will have a number of projects for the kids to enjoy including wood work, box making and more. Bring your togs too, as we will head for a swim at Freyberg Community Pool.

Little Builders
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Sledge Track and Swimming at Lido Aquatic Centre

Ages 9-14 only

Time to head outdoors and experience the Sledge Track, getting out in nature and walking across the swing bridges! Who will be able to spot the wildlife? We will then head to the Lido Aquatic Centre for a swimming in the afternoon.

Sledge Track and Swimming at Lido Aquatic Centre
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

Wellington Zoo

Ages 5-8 only

Join us for our trip to Wellington Zoo! Who will be able to see the Lions, Giraffes, Monkeys, Tigers and Otters? This is one of our most popular Holiday Programme activities, we recommended to get your booking in for this day ASAP as spaces will be limited!

Wellington Zoo
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $75.00

Bowling, Pizza and Swimming Day!

Ages 5-14 only

Today we will be enjoying 3 different activities! Lets head to Ten-Pin Bowling to see who can bowl a strike or spare. We will also be making pizzas for the kids to enjoy. And to finish up our day we will head for a swim at Freyberg Community Pool.

Bowling, Pizza and Swimming Day!
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Celebrity Day

Ages 5-14 only

Who is your favourite celebrity? Come dress up as your favourite, or your best dress (suit and tie or dress could be an option for you) we will be rolling out the red carpet, Hollywood Star and even a Mocktail Hour!

Celebrity Day
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $68.00

Cloud 9 & Swimming!

Ages 5-14 only

Today we are off to Cloud 9 where the kids can enjoy the Foam Pits, Trampolines, Basketball Hoops and an obstacle course! Plenty of active play and excitement to be had. Once we've finished up its back to Freyberg Community Pool for a swim.

Cloud 9 & Swimming!
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $72.00

Back To School Party

Ages 5-14 only

In preparation of school starting soon, we will be getting involved with Pack Making, games and crafts with a school theme, and also school lunch at Red Sox. Let's then get changed for swimming as we are off to Freyberg Community Pool for a dip in the water.

Back To School Party
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $62.00

Kiwiana Day

Ages 5-14 only

Let's enjoy everything that is New Zealand! The kids will be able to enjoy a Fish n Chips lunch, Jandal and Gumboot throwing, Poi making and Rounders/Cricket! Wear your NZ clothing and join us with getting into that NZ spirit! Kia ora!

Kiwiana Day
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $65.00

Back to Nature

Ages 5-14 only

There is nothing better during summertime than being outdoors and enjoying NZ Nature! We will be spending time at the park for games and fun, enjoying the views of the river, and exploring during our Bush Walk. Bring a big drink bottle to keep yourself hydrated!

Back to Nature
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00

Chillax Day

Ages 5-14 only

We have made it through the Summer School Holidays! Before we return back to school we will be running our Chillax Day - you can enjoy our in-house movies, games and activities, and also baking! To top it all off, let's then head for a swim at Freyberg Community Pool.

Chillax Day
access_time 8:30am 6:00pm
Cost per Child $60.00